The Rockefeller University      High Energy Physics Laboratory      CDF Experiment      CMS Experiment     



      Hardware Work


      RU HEP - media
      Detectors made at the RU
      Summer Students at the RU


Christina Mesropian



The CDF MiniPlug Calorimeters

MiniPlug calorimeters are designed to measure the energy and lateral position of particles in the (forward) pseudorapidity region of 3.6<|η|<5.1 of the CDF detector. They were installed as part of the Run II CDF upgrade at the Tevatron ppbar collider.

The design of the MiniPlugs is based on lead/liquid-scintillator layers read out by wavelength shifting (WLS) fibers perpendicular to the lead plates and parallel to the proton/antiproton beams, arranged in a novel ‘towerless’ geometry (no boundaries between the fibers). The desired number of fibers is grouped and viewed by a single pixel of a multi-anode photomultiplier tube (MAPMT), providing what in the following we will call a ‘tower’. The centroid of the tower pulse height provides the position of the shower initiating particle.

The MiniPlugs have been installed downstream of the CDF Plug Upgrade calorimeters within the central hole of the muon toroids at a distance of 5.8m from the center of the detector (see Fig. 1). Each MiniPlug is housed in a cylindrical steel vessel 26cm in diameter and has a 12.7cm hole concentric with the vessel to accommodate the beam pipe.

  • The CDF MiniPlug calorimeters,
    K. Goulianos et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 496, 333-346 (2003).
    Science Direct| Web Editions|]

    The CDF Beam Shower Counters(BSCs)

    The Beam Shower Counters are forward detectors that detect particles travelling in either direction form the Interaction Point at very small angles relative to the beam-pipe. Beam Shower Counters at CDF
    documented in the internal CDF note 9104
  • If you have comments, problems, suggestions or corrections, please contact me.